our history

“Tall oaks, from Little Acorns, grow”. Anonymous.

In 2017, a young, creative, talented and reasonably successful businessman, EVANS IZUNNA EMESIM, emerged in the socio-cultural space, in South East Nigeria, regaling various classes of Igbo icons with a combination of superlative dramatics and stunning cultural sound bites and well crafted effusions.

Known by the moniker, “KOBOKO”, he, soon, landed, as the undisputable” Microphone Avatar”, for almost all high octane social – cum – cultural functions, throughout expanses and stretches of the “ Igbo world”, of this time.

This feat, ineluctably, was to sway attractions and attention, to “KOBOKO” brand. Consequently, a bunch of high net-worth, futuristic and philanthropy-driven personalities, drawn from the entire South-East leveraged on the new “social community” of humanitarian “light-minds” to evolve a directional body, with clear-cut social and humanistic ideology, vision and mission, leading to the establishment KOBOKO ENTERTAINMENT FAMILY (KEF).
This body within its short period of existence, has re-defined the humanitarian space, by railing burst of fresh air, for the poor, helpless, hopeless and hapless, throughout the length and breath of the South-East.
Today, what started as a mere social “while-away”, parades a stupendous, intimidating array of worthy, respectable, successful and philanthropic like-minds, who, currently, constitute the Executive Committee (EXCO) drawn from across the South-East.