Our Impact

Living for Humanity

Diaspora Interventions

The DE IMPERIAL PHILANTHROPIC FAMILY is consistently energized by invaluable intellectual and material interventions of worthy icons, of South- East extraction, in the Diaspora.

Extant statistics indicate, that the involvement of Diaspora Investment Coupons, to the Nigerian economy, is, to the tune of over twenty-two percent (22%) of our National Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
It is, therefore, of profound wisdom, to recognize the immensely valuable, relevant and selfless contributions of iconic Igbo sons, in the Diaspora, to South East projected growth and development.

The DE IMPERIAL PHILANTHROPIC FAMILY, as a body, is persuaded to align with laudable efforts and compassionate dispositions, which its Diaspora membership has, so far, been demonstrating. The onerous duty of engendering a burst of fresh air, into indigent, hapless, lives in “ALA IGBO” will remain a mirage, without the sure – footedness of our Diaspora kith and kin.

Corporate Social Responsibility: An Obligation Imperative

Globally, Corporate Bodies, and, sundry private sector operators, willfully, commit a part of their pre-tax earnings, to executing citizen – friendly social initiatives, with a view to identifying with their immediate operating environments.

The DE IMPERIAL PHILANTHROPIC FAMILY, upon its inception, as a largely humanitarian body, set out to, consistently, match its core mandates, with visible, social engagements, as touching, Education, Health, (especially, checkmating Pre-natal, Maternal and infant mortality rates across the entire South East Region) Sports, Skills Acquisition, Creativity and Entertainment.

To this end, the DE IMPERIAL PHILANTHROPIC FAMILY, has, already, embarked on tangible visitations to orphanages, in various parts of South- East Nigeria, as well as Lagos, being a Cosmopolitan demographic, with a large “Ndi Igbo” presence and, also, it functional, official location.

As a body, the DE IMPERIAL PHILANTHROPIC FAMILY, projects to establish cottage hospitals, rebuild/renovate  dilapidated schools, establish a scholarship scheme for indigent sons and daughters of the South-East desirous of academic pursuits up to tertiary level, provide start – up  funds for potential  young entrepreneurs, support local sporting activities across the five states of South-East, REALITY TV SHOW, for the enthronement , celebration and sustenance of key Igbo culture, values and world view.